The Butte College Art Gallery Presents, The Edge of Night, an exhibition of black and white photographs by Jason Tannen, inspired by the dark world of Film Noir.
The exhibition begins Monday, September 28 through Thursday, October 22, 2015. A gallery reception will take place on Thursday, October 1, from 4 -- 6 p.m., with the artist speaking at 4:15 p.m. The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served and Butte College Music instructor Eric Peter will provide music from 4:30 -- 5:30 p.m.
The Edge of Night's 20 black and white photographs are set in the urban jungle and feature dramatic shadows, stark highlights and furtive, partially--obscured characters. Cloaked in a curtain of anxiety, mystery, and anticipation, the images suggest any number of vague and unsettling narratives. A key inspiration for this work is Film Noir, a genre of American film usually set in the city, with a low-key black and white style and featuring desperate people in dire situations.
Jason Tannen is a photographer, curator, and photo educator. For over three decades his work has explored the urban landscape, combining an observational, street photography style with a more controlled and cinematic approach. Recent exhibitions have included SF Camerawork, the San Francisco Arts Commission Galleries, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR, Index Art Center, Newark, NJ, Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami, FL, and Fukushima Contemporary Art Biennale, Fukushima, Japan.
From 1998 to 2014, Tannen was the curator at the University Art Gallery at California State University, Chico, where he also taught Film as Visual Art and the History of Photography. He received his MFA in photography from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and his BFA in photography from Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA.
For more information, visit Butte College Art Gallery Facebook page.