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Butte College
News Announcement

Butte College Honors Black History Month

Butte College is honoring Black History Month during the month of February. Black History Month began as a grassroots effort and has grown into a national time to honor the important contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout our nation’s history. This year’s Black History Month events are a cross-department collaboration in conjunction with students from the Butte College Black Student Union.  Please join us for one of the many educational and inspiring events we have planned.

Black History Month 2019

We’re On Our Way
The entire month of February | Campus Center Lounge
A collection of photographs taken by student leader Ebone Jordan. Portraits of students who share their goals for the future. Displays will be featured in the Campus Center for the month of February 2019. 

Self Love Workshop
February 14, 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. | Culture and Community Center
Join us in the Culture and Community Center to learn about various practices of self-care and build a personalized self-care plan that best fits you. This workshop is open to all individuals looking for useful self-care techniques but will set emphasis on the specific needs and stressors that are often unique to the African American community.

BlacKkKlansman: Film and Discussion
February 20, 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | Chico Center Student Lounge Room 146
Please join the Black Student Union and Student Life as we host a screening of the film Blackklansman and a follow up discussion.

Closing Ceremony
February 28, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. | Chico Center Student Lounge Room 146
Please join the Black Student Union, Students of Color Alliance, and Student Life as we honor Black History Month with closing remarks, activities and refreshments.

For more information about these events please contact Santy Gray with the Butte College Student Life Office by email


Media Contact

Christian Gutierrez

Public Relations Officer


Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965